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Alcohol Ignition Interlock Program

Cassandra Adorni-Braccesi

08 July 2022

Recent changes to the Alcohol Ignition Interlock Program

What is an Alcohol Ignition Interlock?

An Alcohol Ignition Interlock (‘Interlock’) is a device that is installed in a vehicle to prevent a person driving after consuming alcohol. 

An Interlock requires the driver of a vehicle to breathe into a device and record a zero blood alcohol concentration before their vehicle will start.  The vehicle will not start if the driver records a positive reading for alcohol.  The Interlock may also require the driver to provide a further breath test at random, to ensure the driver has not consumed alcohol once the vehicle has started.

In Queensland, the Alcohol Ignition Interlock Program is aimed at drivers that are considered to be at high risk of reoffending.  The laws surrounding the Alcohol Ignition Interlock Program were updated in 2021, and the Alcohol Ignition Interlock Program is now required for driver’s seeking to obtain a licence following convictions for a wider range of offences.

Do I have to get an Alcohol Ignition Interlock?

You will be required to participate in the Alcohol Ignition Interlock Program if you have been convicted of any of the following offences:-

  • Drink driving (high range), also known as driving under the influence of alcohol;
  • Drink driving (mid range);
  • Drink driving (with two or more offences within a 5 year period);
  • Failing to provide a blood/breath specimen; or
  • Dangerous driving while under the influence of alcohol.

If you are convicted of any of the above offences, you will be disqualified from holding or obtaining a drivers licence for a period of time and you will be required to participate in the Alcohol Ignition Interlock Program when your licence is reinstated.

Following your period of disqualification, you are able to apply for a new licence.  If you have been convicted of one of the above offences, the new licence will be subject to the Interlock condition (shown as an “I” on your new licence) for the duration of the required period.

How long do I have to have an Alcohol Ignition Interlock?

The minimum period of participation in the Alcohol Ignition Interlock Program is 12 months. Tampering or interfering with your Interlock may increase the period of time you are required to participate in the Alcohol Ignition Interlock Program.

What happens if I don't want to have an Alcohol Ignition Interlock?

There are limited circumstances in which you can apply for an exemption from participating in the Alcohol Ignition Interlock Program.  An exemption is only available if:-

  • you live in a remote location or on an island;
  • you have a medical condition that prevents you from being able to operate an Interlock; or
  • participating in the Alcohol Ignition Interlock Program would cause you or your family severe hardship.

If no exemption applies, and you choose not to participate in the Alcohol Ignition Interlock Program, you will not be able to hold or obtain a drivers licence for a further five years from the date your disqualification ends.  Therefore, although the program is not strictly mandatory, it is necessary to participate should you wish to obtain a driver’s licence immediately after your disqualification ends.

Are there any other conditions of the Alcohol Ignition Interlock Program?

Yes.  In addition to fitting and complying with the requirements of the Interlock, you must also complete an education course.  The foundation course, Plan.Drive.Survive, must be completed prior to the end of your Alcohol Interlock Ignition Program.  If you have been convicted of committing two or more drink driving offences within a five year period, you must complete a comprehensive, multi-session Plan.Drive.Survive program.

Are there penalties for not complying with the conditions of the Alcohol Ignition Interlock Program, or for tampering with an Interlock?

Yes, there are penalties for both failing to comply with the conditions of your licence and tampering with your Interlock. Penalties include fines and further periods of disqualification.  In some circumstances, penalties could include a period of imprisonment.

If you would like more information regarding the Alcohol Ignition Interlock Program, or any other driving matters, please contact our office on 07 4963 2000 or via our online contact form.