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Black Lung Disease - it's a minefield!

Bronwyn Green

09 October 2017

Are you exposed to dust at work?

"Black lung" is a common term for a respiratory disease caused by breathing in coal dust.

These coal dust particles are often so small, they cannot be seen with the human eye. They coat the lungs and affect the respiratory system permanently. There is no cure for Black Lung.

With a spike in potential cases in Queensland over the past two years, recent reforms have been announced by the Queensland Government to review testing and safety standards of coal mines. Lung tests and checks are compulsory for all coal miners before, during, and upon leaving the mining industry.

However it isn’t just coal dust that can cause injury to workers. Another common dust found on job sites is silica dust. This dust is generated when you drill into concrete, jackhammer or excavate sites. With each breath this dust is deposited into the worker’s lungs and causes scarring. Scarring can occur after only a few months of exposure.

If you are, or someone you know is, exposed to any form of dust at work, they may be impacted.

Many workers do not even realise they can access workers compensation when seeking treatment for a dust related injury. Others are not aware of the protections in place for injured workers when they are temporarily unable to return to work.

The Compensation Team at Wallace & Wallace Lawyers can assist you with all aspects of a dust related disease. We will help you navigate through the claims process and give you practical and up to date advice.

Call now on (07) 4963 2000, or complete our online contact form, for an obligation free initial consultation.