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Expressions of Interest

The firm may not always be advertising but we are always willing to consider any applications from prospective employees to join the team at Wallace & Wallace Lawyers.  Any Application will be treated with confidentiality, even when a candidate does not join the Wallace & Wallace team.  Applications will be considered for:-

Lawyers and conveyancing paralegals - the firm will often have opportunities for employment which can be created when the right candidate makes an Application. 

Graduates and law students - we encourage law students who are interested in working at Wallace & Wallace Lawyers to forward their letter, resume and academic results.  Most years the firm will hire at least one graduate and interviews are usually conducted in the second half of the year.  The firm encourages law students to apply for a clerkship/work experience over the winter or summer university holidays.  This is an excellent opportunity for law students to become connected with the firm.  These opportunities are likely to improve your chances of being employed as you finish your degree.

Secretarial and administrative staff – there are regular opportunities which arise for the employment of secretaries and administrative staff at the firm.  We routinely will consider the resumes we have received before advertising for a position. 

Please forward your application including your CV and a covering letter to:

Office Manager

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(07) 4963 2000