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Employment Law for Employees

Employment Law for Employees

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Employment Law for Employees

It can be difficult to understand your rights and entitlements as an employee, and if something goes wrong it can be hard to know who you can turn to. 

Wallace & Wallace Lawyers’ experienced Employment Law team can assist you in providing advice so you can be assured that you are receiving all of your entitlements and being treated fairly in the workplace. 

We can assist with any of your Employment Law needs including the following:

  • Advising on modern award coverage and associated employee entitlements;
  • Advising on employment contracts, including the enforceability of key provisions such as restraints and non-competition clauses;
  • Advising on proposed enterprise agreements including to assess whether an employee is better off overall under a proposed enterprise agreement;
  • Providing assistance and advice on disciplinary matters, including drafting responses to show cause notices and attending show cause meetings; and
  • Assisting and advising on a variety of claims made to the Fair Work Commission, including unfair dismissal, bullying, workplace discrimination, general protections and unlawful termination claims.

Strict time limits apply in employment law claims (some as short as 21 days from termination), and you should seek advice as soon as possible.

Reviewing Employment Contracts 

If you are starting or finishing a job you may need some help understanding your rights and obligations under an employment contract?

We have a dedicated Employment Law team who can assist you by reviewing and advising you on your employment contract either before you start a new job or when you are finishing a job.

Employee or Contractor?

Establishing whether or not you are an employee or a contractor is extremely important in order to ensure you are receiving all of your entitlements from your employer. Employees have entitlements such as annual leave and superannuation that contractors don’t, and if you are a contractor and it is found in the future that you’re actually an employee, you may be entitled to back payment of the entitlements that you were not originally paid. 

We can ascertain whether or not you are an employee or a contractor and advise on any entitlements that you may be owed.

We can assist

Contact one of our experienced lawyers to assist you today.

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(07) 4963 2000