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Seek advice in relation to your property settlement early
It is important you receive advice as soon as possible regarding the division of your joint assets, to ensure you understand the steps in finalising your property matter and the factors that will impact the division of property.
The value of your assets and liabilities will change between the date of separation and the date the property settlement is finalised. In different circumstances this will have positive or negative consequences, depending on your circumstances. It may be to your advantage to pursue and push for a property settlement as soon as possible. However, in other circumstances a delay in resolving the matter may be beneficial for you. You can read more about the impact of delay in property settlements here.
Steps to resolve your property settlement
There are several steps that will be taken in resolving your property settlement. Our experienced family lawyers will provide ongoing advice about each step, and your options in progressing your matter. Broadly, the steps in resolving your property settlement are as follows:-
Married v. De Facto property settlement
The factors relevant in relation to a property settlement are largely the same for both married and de facto couples who have separated (including same sex relationships). We are able to assist you, regardless of the nature of your relationship.
Time limits to resolve your property settlement
You only have a limited time to resolve your property settlement after separation. Although the time limitations can be extended in some circumstances, there is no substitute for getting early legal advice about your options. Our experienced family lawyers are able to provide tailored advice for your specific circumstances, to ensure you understand the options and the best manner of progressing your property settlement.
How do I keep more of the property pool?
It is common for clients to ask what they can do to increase the share of assets they will retain when the property settlement is finalised. You can read more about this in our article Increasing your share of your assets.
You may also be able to claim spousal maintenance, should your reasonable living expenses exceed your income. You can read more about Spousal Maintenance here.
To book an initial consultation with one of our experienced family lawyers to discuss your property settlement, please contact our office.