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Total and Permanent Disability Insurance

Tamyka Caputo
View Profile

21 September 2022

Total and Permanent Disability (“TPD”) Insurance – you don’t need it, until you do

TPD insurance is a cover of insurance that most superannuation funds offer through a member’s existing policy. TPD cover is a benefit that is additional to the contributions made to your usual superannuation fund. It is also separate to any death cover that you might have.

Each policy and/or insurer has a different definition and eligibility criteria that must be met. Generally, you must meet a criteria that you are totally and permanently unable to work in your usual occupation based on your current education, training and experience. Some policies will require you to be assessed annually to see if you continue to meet the criteria.

How do you make a TPD claim?

To make a claim for TPD benefits, you will need to submit the relevant forms and application as required by your superannuation fund. Completing these forms can be difficult and we would recommend you consult with one of our experienced solicitors for assistance. We will also ensure you have all of the medical evidence to support your claim.

If you have been injured in any way and you are no longer able to work, you should firstly make enquiries with your superannuation fund as to whether or not you have TPD cover. If you have a statement from your superfund, it will be listed on the statement.

If you learn that you do not have cover for TPD, we strongly recommend that you review your policies and consider adding the cover.

Contact our compensation team at Wallace & Wallace Lawyers for assistance with claiming compensation through your superannuation on (07) 4963 2000 or through the contact form below.