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I'm Going To Court What Should I Wear?

Brittany Colussi

12 December 2019

Going to Court can be a very stressful and confusing time.  We often have clients who are unsure of what to wear, particularly if our client has not been to Court before.

It is important to present yourself appropriately, and to dress suitably for Court.  There are a few simple guidelines to follow to ensure that you are dressed appropriately.

Dress Conservatively

You should dress conservatively and make sure your clothes fit you, and that you are modestly covered.  If you are wearing a dress or skirt, you should ensure the length is appropriate for Court.  You should not wear shorts, dresses and skirts that are shorter than knee length.  If you do not have knee length attire, we recommend that you wear stockings underneath or choose to wear pants instead.

Present neatly

You should present as well groomed, with tidy hair and clean clothing.  Facial hair should be neat and any tattoos should be covered if possible.

Avoid certain items of clothing

You should avoid wearing jeans, shorts, t-shirts and thongs.  You should also avoid any item of clothing with logos or slogans that could be deemed offensive or inappropriate.

Avoid being too formal

It is not necessary for you to wear a suit and tie, dress suit or a tuxedo.  You should be aiming to be dressed in smart casual or office appropriate attire.

Avoid buying expensive new clothes

While it is important that you dress appropriately, you should not go to the unnecessary expense of purchasing expensive clothing for your Court appearance.  This would not be practical for many clients.

Many clients have appropriate clothing to wear to Court, without needing to purchase new clothes.  For example, you could wear the following:-

  • A simple ironed button down or polo shirt, dress pants and dress shoes; or
  • A dress or skirt and blouse, conservative in length (knee length or longer) and appropriate footwear.